About Dana Obleman & Sleep Sense

Before Dana Obleman became known as “the baby sleep boss” on national platforms like Good Morning America, she was a new mom struggling with the same sleepless nights familiar to so many parents.

Her journey began over 20 years ago when she transformed her own life and that of her family by developing the Sleep Sense Program. With degrees in Psychology and Education, Dana set out to share her method with others, and has been shaping the sleep consulting industry ever since!

In addition to changing countless parents’ lives through sleep education, Dana has helped over 1,000 women from more than 45 countries launch successful careers as Certified Sleep Sense Consultants.

“As a sleep consultant,” says Dana, “my clients tell me things like ‘Oh, you saved our marriage… We feel like a cloud has lifted… We thought things would never get better until we met you.’ It’s such an incredibly fulfilling career, both spiritually and financially, and it’s been such a pleasure to share it with others looking to do work they can be proud of.”

You can learn more about Dana’s story (and get a preview of the Certified Sleep Sense Consultant training program) by clicking the button below:

We’ve helped over 1,000 Certified Sleep Sense Consultants launch successful careers doing important, fulfilling work. It allows you to fit your professional schedule around your family and earn a great income… all while making a real difference in the lives of your clients!

 Hear real stories from our Certified Sleep Sense Consultants: